Kevvie vs Johnny 1

Pete Garrett setbackWhat a sensational, vicious week of chess it has been in the Australian parliamentary realm! The difficult Australian/US alliance, a balancing act every Australian prime monster has to handle, has remained in the spotlight. Why some pms feel the need to grovel to US presidents more than others is certainly an interesting phenomenon. Johnny has out-crawled all his recent predecessors, degrading our nation’s dignity and relationship with the world.

Over his insensitive Obama attack, Johnny was stoushed by Kevvie, and the world remembered Australia, marvelling at the socially divisive yobbo who heads it. Johnny fired back at Kev with one of his classic wedgies as he revealed the secret new US joint facility base at Geraldton, perhaps expecting to expose Pete as the Labor weak link because of his ‘idealistic’ anti-base youth.

Pete stonewalled, adroitly referred the issue to the appropriate portfolio, and drew the debate back to *his* portfolio and Johnny’s soft underbelly – climate change. From the point of view of a committed environmentalist like Pete, the urgent need to rid the nation of the environmentally irresponsible, corporate-lackey Howard mob through the only viable, political alternative would be paramount, and the abandonment of other principles, for the time being at least, a small price to pay.

(The ALP is organising a National Climate Change conference for late March/early April – prior to the National ALP Conference in April, where the 3 mine policy may change. We’ll be keeping a close eye on the climate change proceedings.)

Smoothly, Kevvie again took up the cudgels, presenting an alternative Iraq withdrawal plan that fits snugly with the now-dominant US Democratic party position. Projecting an image of personal integrity and Australian dignity to match his vision, he said:

“Of course we’re going to have a difference of view with them. I understand that and I don’t for the moment pretend that the Americans would welcome our policy on this question.

I understand that, but my first responsibility is not simply to comply with every element of US foreign policy, my responsibility is to say on certain areas, we are going to disagree, and have the courage to do so.”

Kev’s stance is likely to resonate well with voters, particularly considering the lack of support Australians have had for Australia’s participation in the illegal Iraqi debacle from the start. It should also go down well with Americans who at last are rejecting Dubyah’s fearmongering in droves. With a Democratic president, and specially if it’s Obama, Howard is likely to be a serious liability for the US/Oz alliance.

Despite Johnny’s shameless grovelling, Doodoo has decided Australia is not a suitable recipient for United Stupids’ F-22s, the world’s most advanced and expensive warplane. Maybe Doodoo wasn’t impressed by those rocket launchers going missing, some of which *still* haven’t been found. Considering those shoddy Collins subs and Sea Sprites, it’s probably best we didn’t get the F-22s anyway.

To top things off this week, Johnny hid behind Helen Clark’s skirts as the NZ press dogged him about his disgraceful onslaught on Barack Obama, from which he still refuses to resile.

Is it your job to protect the Australian Prime Minister from answering questions from the New Zealand media?

I’m sorry. You continue to heckle from the back row of every news conference that I give and you’re not going to do it to this one. So I think we will be taking our leave.

Sounds very familiar. Thank you. [Laughter]”

Very funny stuff.

Who’s the real scaredy cat?

Gutless HowardKevvie strikes back at Johnny with a near knockout blow, and although we wish he would bring the focus back to the government’s palpably weak point – climate change – while the issue is still hot and before Johnny shepherds the electorate into unctuous worship of his economic record, he is maintaining an impressive, logical front. Johnny’s actions, along with his quivering whiskers when interviewed by Kerry O’Brien on the 7.30 Report last night, betray the fact that he is losing the Iraq debate even without and perhaps in spite of a head to head confrontation with Kevvie.

Johnny’s mob stifled debate on Iraq in Parliament this morning – run away, run away – and this morning Johnny fails to up the ante on 2GB with Alan Jones, bleating that a national televised debate with Kevvie would be just a smokescreen.

Talk about projection. We also think that Johnny’s conviction, oft repeated on the 7.30 Report interview that Australia cannot afford American defeat and humiliation in Iraq may also be projection – it is Howard who needs ongoing conflagration to maintain with his comfortable war leader, best buddy of Doodoo image into the run up to our next election. Interestingly, Paul Kelly picks up on this too in a particularly scathing column.
Election Terror
Kevvie smartly rejoinders to Johnny on ABC: “What is his alternative strategy, if he’s a man of courage, to tell the Australian people about how he intends to win the war in Iraq.” Reasonably, Kev indicates his flexibility to consult with the US on early withdrawal and his approval of the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group Report.

At this point, we have to wonder whether the Australian media is at last turning on Johnny?

Headline from The Australian: Rudd attacks ‘gutless’ Howard

Headline from The Age: ‘Gutless’ Howard gags debate

Leunig’s hilarious cartoon for today is also worth a squiz. And so is Patrick Leahy’s Valentine card from John to Doodoo.

Pass the Bubbly, Darling!

‘Another glass of bubbly, darling?’ Of course she would. And if her prim mouth was sipping on delicious Taitinger, I might squeeze a word in edgeways.

‘I was going to tell you about the absolutely best thing that happened last year – while you were in Iran.’ My niece Emma is a foreign correspondent for one of the better daily newspapers. She peered at me over her flute and grimaced. I pushed on before she could interrupt.

‘Malcolm asked us out on his yacht. Just a day out round the harbour. John and Peter were there too of course,’ I said.

Scowling, Emma interjected, ‘I bet no one mentioned the latest wealth distribution figures’.

Emma could be a real darling, but really, when would she grow up and forget her quaint socialist ideals? We all voted left in our twenties of course, yet there’s no excuse after one is over forty and successful for not supporting those who look after us. Emma liked to retort that people vote for the tories in their elder years because of neurological degeneration caused by too many alcohol-drenched cocktail dos.

‘What’s that you say? Not the P word! My goodness, John and Peter have run a very tight ship and you should be grateful. You know, darling, the poor are looked after as we become richer! Between you and me, the poor only deserve the scraps anyway. In these days of full employment, you must admit all the evidence points to the fact that they are genetically deficient and chronically lazy. They’d never make crew on Malcolm’s lovely super-maxi’.

Emma snorted.

‘As a matter of fact, there was a young thing on Malcolm’s yacht, a relative of Peter’s, I think, her name was Beth, who was moaning about the P word. I told her over drinkies “The poor will be cared for if us capable captains of industry are rewarded with lots of incentives for our expertise – more chunky remuneration packages, lovely options and rights issues – after all, we make the important wealth for ummmmm … everybody. Trickle down economics work, you know. More for us means more for them.” She was quite taken aback I think, because she began to look at me very strangely. More foie gras for you, sweetie?’

‘No thanks’, Emma replied stiffly.

‘Don’t clench your teeth, darling, it looks so unattractive,’ I cautioned. ‘Anyway, Beth said to me “You must admit that long term unemployed people need support – think of the soaring crime rate if they have nothing.”‘

‘Pull the other one, darling, I laughed at her. You know it’s their own fault. Lazy mental deficients who should be purged before they breed more like themselves, darling. They’re not worth worrying about. I know it sounds awful, darling, but really we should chain them in the mines along with their tawdry offspring from age five as they did in the good old days! Goodness knows we need more mine workers at the moment! Forget about them and concentrate on the Sydney to Hobart and your next fabulous allotment of free entitlements, darling. We’ve worked hard for all this.’

‘Really, Emma, her face was turning a dreadful shade of puce’. I giggled. ‘Please pour some more champagne, darling, I’m so glad we managed to close out our last company when we did and can still afford the good stuff. Pity about the shareholders but they should have taken more care – caveat emptor as Daddy, and you know what a successful property developer he was, well until those ghastly green bans, used to say’.

I pursed my lips. ‘Then Beth started in on Johnny’s media laws, defending that dreadful leftie ABC that *our* taxes pay for. She had the gall to insist that Johnny’s government is the highest taxing government in Australia’s history!’

‘Well, Emma, I put her straight.’ I smiled at Emma triumphantly.

‘If you are having tax problems, dear, I said, you should find yourself a new accountant. Pay taxes … you must be joking! none of our companies have *ever* paid a cent! yet look at all the jobs we created with the help of those wonderful government subsidies – six months of them, then when they run out, fire the little dears and take on new ones with new subsidies. Full employment is good for us all!’

‘When our last company went under … poor shareholders again, but there you go … the trainees were up for replacement anyway. In our next venture though, we’re going to import foreign workers … they’re all the rage, you know, they work for peanuts and don’t complain like the ungrateful local refuse.’
Howard grants to private schools
‘Meanwhile, we don’t want all our lovely tax money spent on no-hoping, genetically modified, bone-lazy, bludging dead weights … when it *should* be spent on making life easier for those who deserve it and who have the social qualifications – us, and our gifted, rich children, like you, darling. Private education costs the earth these days, you know.’

‘”And what about education for everybody?” Beth asked me’.

‘Well, I had her there, sweetie. “I’m sure dear Johnny would provide more funding for education of those disgusting long term unemployed menaces and their fifth rate offspring if he believed they were capable and willing. But they’re not, are they. They are just trash. It’s *their* fault and like breeds like, darling. We’re not responsible for their chromosomal failures. Obviously, we need more funding for *private* schools … because it’s people like *us* who were born to succeed. We must invest our money where it will do our country the most good.”‘

‘Well, Beth began yelling at me. “I expect you think disabled people are on the take too!”‘

‘”Well, yes actually, dear,” I replied. “Let’s not forget about those gouging fakers. Their lack of conscience and the way they pool their far more than generous allowances is dooming Australian society and our way of life.”

‘”I know people who could work a computer with their left foot if they wanted and who should be working right now! there’s plenty of work if only they’d try, but they just don’t seem to want to work, do they. Let’s take away their wheelchairs and catheters and see how they like it then.”‘

‘Well, dear, at that point, Beth began to move toward me with a look of total fury And right at that moment who should walk between us but dear John and Peter. Well, she bowled into them, the clumsy wench, didn’t she’.

‘Into the drink they went, both of them. Politicians overboard! John seemed to have trouble keeping his head above water, and between you and me, I could have sworn Peter was really trying to keep him under. Of course we contained our laughter – it wouldn’t do to upset them – threw life buoys, hauled them out and everyone swore to keep it out of the papers. Beth was posted to Swaziland not long after, I believe. Later, over canapes, John promised to look into an investment subsidy for our new company venture on the q.t. too – so thoughtful of him.’

‘Hahahaha, great story’, laughed Emma. ‘Don’t suppose anyone took photos?’

‘Not quite sure, darling, but Malcolm was snapping away earlier that day. Anyway darling, you must remember, dear, to trust the super-maxi you know, where we who deserve it are assured a place on the crew. After all, *we* are the captains of industry and backbone of this country and deserve every drop of this delicious champagne! Now would you please pass that bonus rights acceptance form if you wouldn’t mind? Emma … Emma?’

Through the window I watched her stalk to her car, mobile phone in hand. Oh dear. Surely no one would possibly believe her!

Johnny can go lower

Barack WhoYep, little Johnny Rodent has shown he can limbo down further even than Alexander Beetle when it comes to backing their best mate, Doodoo Dubyah. Our cheeky prime monster takes to Dem presidential contender Obama and the Dems en masse with his baseball bat, and the world cringes.

“If I was running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008, and pray, as many times as possible, for a victory not only for Obama, but also for the Democrats,” our intemperate Doodoo-worshipping prime monster decreed to goggle-eyed Americans and all and sundry. Sounds like Johnny thinks he has a telepathic connection with OBL. His wires are crossed though because OBL and co have declared their love for Doodoo on several occasions, logically aware that crass, stupid chest-thumping and warmongering delivers lots more fanatical supporters for the Al Qaeda agenda than the Dem’s sophisticated diplomacy.

Howard attacks Obama
Obama swiftly volleyed back, calling little Johnny’s shameless reacharound with best buddy Doodoo “empty rhetoric” and inviting him to put his troops where his mouth is.

Senator Obama also rejected claims that a US withdrawal would increase the threat of terrorism, noting that the “Bush administration’s own intelligence agencies have indicated that the threat of terrorism has increased as a consequence of our actions over there.”

According to an October 2006 poll conducted by the Lowy Institute for International Policy, this is a view shared by the majority of Australians. It found that 84 per cent of Australians believe the Iraq war has done nothing to lower the threat of terrorism.

Two-thirds of respondents disagreed that the war would lead to the spread of democracy in the Middle East, and 91 per cent said they believed that the Iraq war had worsened US relations with the Muslim world.

Executive director Alan Gyngell said the poll showed a strong trend in the attitudes of Australians toward the Iraq war. Referring to the Australian public’s long-standing skepticism about intelligence used in the lead up to the US-led invasion, Mr Gyngell told ABC Radio, “The debate seems to be over about the reasons that we went into Iraq, that is 84 per cent disagree with the statement that the threat of terrorism has been reduced by Iraq. There’s pretty strong agreement that is hasn’t worked.”

He also said that, “There’s a very strong view that the US has too much influence on our foreign policy.”

Both Dems and Repubes expressed their annoyance with Johnny’s craven plug for the United Stupids’ latter day Caligula. But that didn’t stop the heroic Alexander from missing an opportunity to suckhole his leader *and* Doodoo contemporaneously.

“It’s a free world, and we are entitled to a point of view,” he grovelled. Well so are we, Alexander, so are we and from the Lowy Institute’s study, it looks like you are way off beam if you think Australians support you and Johnny’s sycophantic warmongering.

Kevvie homes in on Johnny’s mighty blunder with what seems to be a growing killer instinct:

“I cannot understand how any responsible leader of this country can say … that the Democratic Party of the United States, is the terrorist party of choice,” he told Parliament.

“Let us be clear what is at stake here – not just an attack upon a single US senator but an attack upon an entire political party.”

Quite right, Kevvie. Little Johnny tries to slither, backpedal and lie that he didn’t say ‘all the Dems’, but to no avail, his words are there in black and white. And neither will the rodent retract his Obama accusations. What a loyal Doodoo servant he is.

Howard not a lying rodent
Paul Keating scores the best Johnny paddywhack of the day after the shock horror latest polls show Rudd and the ALP way in front:

“He’s become an old desiccated coconut, hasn’t he, and he stayed too long,” Mr Keating said.

“He had a chance to get out, give it to Costello, but he wants to hang on. You know prime ministers have got araldite on their pants, most of them, they want to stick to their seat and you either put the sword through them or you let the public do it.”

How low can Downer go?

Our embarrassing foreign minister, Downer, has done it again, brazenly out-toadying his lackey leader, lecturing those uncharitable, churlish Europeans and their media who might dare to question the wisdom of the illegal invasion of Iraq, despite Americans questioning it wholeheartedly themselves, both in government and on the street. Shades of Lon Cheney’s “Be careful what you say” post 911 imperial decree.

“In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Alexander Downer urged European politicians to weigh up the consequences of their words before they “leap out there and attack America”.

Mr Downer gave warning that criticism of America’s conduct in Iraq could inadvertently provide an incentive for terrorist attacks.

“People in the West, and not only in Europe, blame America for a suicide bomber in a market in Baghdad,” he said.

“That only encourages more horrific behaviour. Every time there is an atrocity committed, it is implicitly America’s fault, so why not commit some more atrocities and put even more pressure on America?”

“The more you can get media denigration of America, the more that the war against terrorism is seen to be an indictment of America, the better for those who started this war.”

Media critical of America is good for those who started the war – the neocons? What is Downer trying to propagandise here? Does he think Al Qaeda somehow started the war in Iraq by waving a magic wand over Bush, Cheney and the rest of the warmongering, fash fools?

Unbeknownst to the hapless, witless Downer, his fat foot once more in his mouth, he has given the Iraqi insurgents some wonderful encouragement – according to him, their supposed strategy is a winner. Fat chance that Europeans or the media are going to stop criticising America because of Downer’s abysmal pseudo-logic.

Perhaps in his inadequate amphibian brain, only non-American atrocities count as *real* atrocities and have no logical, reasonable cause at all, or is he automagically blaming the victims, attempting to shift the blame from the actual perpetrators of the war against Iraq? This disconnect is already rife amongst braindead flagwavers – to question the empire, no matter how brutal, self-serving and self-defeating it is, is treasonous – so everything is always someone else’s fault, not the perps’. The simple undeniable fact is that there would not *be* suicide bombers in Baghdad markets if the Coalition of the Gobbling hadn’t stupidly, wilfully and illegally invaded Iraq. Are we meant to forget this by withholding criticism of the fools who deliberately and with malice aforethought created the mess which has engendered such gruesome and ongoing outcomes? To collude with such madness through silence one would have to be mad oneself.

Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it – and so the neocons are hoping for the next stop already – Iran.

The rampage in Iraq will end when it becomes clear the “surge” and escalated aerial bombings aren’t working either and the Americans leave, as the Iraqis have wanted for years and as now the overwhelming majority of Americans also want, regardless or in spite of further loss of imperial face. And *that*, with any luck, will discourage the disgraceful warmongers from further misadventurism for fun and profit in the region for quite some time.