Diva Parachuting

parasites feast on underbelly
of fevered daily news cycle
self-dissections in smelly
articles whiny and spiteful
try hard toffs from dullard spires
slink to fourth and fifth estates
scribbling vanity in slimy mire
farming twitter with their mates
waspish handmaids of plutolatry
shrouded by capitalist carapace
bear bitter fruit from tortured tree
white stockings hold the winning ace
paratexting regurgitated paratext
pile-on, pile-on, bullies, who’s next

Jinjirrie, May 2013

#Grangegate: O’Farrell Falls on His Corkscrew

O'Farrell Premier Wine
Courtesy Leon Gettler

In Vino Veritas Haiku

Barry can’t explain
how water can turn to wine
too much Grange last night?

A premier year
Was Grange 1959
ahhh, lost memories

“A bottle of Grange
is pretty special”, bleats Tones,
“no doubt about that!”

Jinjirrie, April 2014


Related Links

“I can’t explain what happened to that bottle of wine”, says ‘massive memory fail’ O’Farrell.


So what did, if anything, did Grabbit and Mr Nick Di Girolamo drink together and when?


Australian Settler Grabbit Haiku

it’s not about me
but trusting new government
the buck stops with me

bouffant bronwyn gaffes
in discontented winter
bishop serves abbott

march, australians
to dog whistles and old dirges
rule brittania

rich white settler men
demand free speech to enable
human rights abuses

dob in a colleague
divert healthy criticism
away from grabbit

public servant, hush,
under grabbitocracy
submit privately

grabbit bigotry
infests the antipodes
global laughing stock

Jinjirrie, March 2013

Related Links

The state of free speech in Australia – the Immigration department stalks refugee activist on facebook and threatens her on twitter
Tony Abbott Haiku Centre
Palm Sunday rally for refugees:
Dob in your tweeting mate at work? So much for free speech
Death stare Bishop declares BDS , which is supported by the likes of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, to be ‘antisemitic’, erroneously asserts that not all Israeli settlements are illegal, clinging to the delusion of the two state non-solution.
Resettlement not a ticket to first world
How the World Bank help the ruling elite suck countries dry who can least afford it, through deregulation

Settler Colonialism is Nothing to Celebrate

Invasion Day 2014

Flame Tree
i distrust whitey
for bloody good reasons
distrust my white privilege
may i be invaded
dispossessed of entitlement
sail ships around ignorance
predations on environment
give back land to land
its song to settle on me
to sustain future
make treaty with truth

Jinjirrie, January 2014.

Related Links

From invasion to resistance in Australia

“Capitalism could not flourish without crushing the resistance of people who wanted to live differently, writes Tom O’Lincoln in Red Flag. That has been true in every corner of the globe. Private property, wage labour and the drive to accumulate capital were incompatible with Aboriginal society. That incompatibility was the basis of the genocide that followed.”

Episode 22: Fuck Off You’re Full Of It* – We Don’t Celebrate Genocide

Why It’s Time to Redefine Australia Day

‘I concluded some time ago now that those who regard Australia Day as Invasion Day are right; the early governors such as Lachlan Macquarie viewed their conflict with the Aboriginal people as war and the terrible orchestrated violence against our Indigenous people lingered well into the 20th century.

Most Australians don’t know – or don’t want to know – about the extent of the violence that accompanied European colonial settlement and that is still synonymous for black Australia with Australia Day.’

Invasion Day: Nothing to Celebrate

Today, on Invasion Day while we remember that “white Australia has a black history” and commemorate the resistance of the Indigenous Australians and the survival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and our cultures, it is also important that we stand in solidarity with refugees who are being incarcerated by the repeated Australian governments (including the Rudd, Gillard and Abbott govts) in hell holes on Manus Island and Nauru.

Unsurprised a Canadian settler makes the same arguments as zionists do to assert faux “Indigenousness”, like ‘I was born here’ and ‘the 1st Nations people once came from Asia.’ And this is a Canadian settler who supports the liberation of Palestine from zionism.

Angela Mitropoulos on borders, white supremacism and incitement of racism in Australia’s military

“The violence, and indeed increasingly extra-legal violence, that increasingly enforces these shifting bureaucratic and legal placements of the Australian border propels an ever-greater recourse to mythic or naturalised definitions of what it means to be Australian.

But even without these turns to an explicit Southern Cross fascism, widespread Australian emotional attachments to invocations of sovereignty are an expression of colonial anxieties and white supremacy. The borders of Australia are the legacy of English colonization. They are neither natural or eternal.”

Australian navy white supremacist ties busted

Protesting against racist Australia Day in Brisbane

Poem – Multiplication

Moonrise at Twilight with Eucalypts


my liberation is a prime number
indivisible by misogyny
the boot on my neck
also crushes the workers
chose me first
so long ago
that which frightens
must be controlled
in the child’s face
he recognised himself
unsubstracted from bliss
exponential substitutions
a calculus of thundering heavens
waves, winds, sun and
a surfeit of constellations
yet the great moon mystery is intact

Jinjirrie, January 2014.