Under Western Capitalism, White Lives Matter Most

Australian Settler Coat of Arms

The Settler

First they wanted me to hate on Aboriginals because they lived on land I wished to farm in my British way.
Kill them, poison them, send them to missions, enslave them on *my* properties.

Then they wanted me to hate on China because the pig-tailed Chinese came here to take *our* white gold.
Massacre them, hunt them down – let Lambing Flat be a lesson to them.

Then they wanted me to hate on Islanders better used here toiling as slaves on *my* cane plantations.
Let them live apart from me, and if they rebel, kill them.

Then they wanted me to hate on Europeans because they weren’t proper British whitey like me.
Send them to Silver City, Villawood and the factories.

Then they wanted me to hate on Vietnamese because the US said so.
Kill the commies, they are against my bulging property portfolio.

Then they wanted me to hate on Iraqis, Palestinians, Iranians and Muslims because the US said so.
I have powerful mates with big guns. I like big guns.

Now they want me to hate on China again because the US empire is falling and the West needs all the gold, always.
I hate. I am obedient. It is my gold too. I am capitalism. I am colonialism. I am imperialism. I am a statue in your town. White blokes are the best. I am the war on terror. I am terror.

Jinjirrie, June 2020

Relevant Australian Racism Links

Gamilaroi man, Luke Pearson:

‘White supremacy then and white supremacy now, is an innate belief in the superiority of whiteness, sorry, of Western civilisation. This is why we are so often told that we should be thankful for invasion. That it was a good thing, because without invasion I wouldn’t have an iPhone! Without white invasion, we’d still be ‘stuck in the past,’ or even worse, we might have been invaded by ‘the Chinamen,’ (which I’ve been assured would have been way worse for us because, apparently, ‘in comparison with white races’ they are ‘unequal and inferior’).’

Gareth Evans on rising sinophobia in Australia.

Up to My Eyeballs in Batshit

Coronavirus gods

Doing the corona conspiracy jive
where one plus three can equal five,
all the “true” info’s on youtube clips
when Dr Shiva commands your ship
and 5G implants you with RFID chips,
Enough to make Pete’s light machine flip,
all to feed Big Pharma and the Deep State
and of all the zillionaires, Bill Gates.

Under the banner of personal liberty,
arm in arm with virulent white supremacy,
claiming rights to hate and spread infection,
in the name of freedom and children’s protection,
There’s no herd immunity to superstitions
distracting from ruling class oppressions.
Bait and switch, burn the witch,
Bait and switch, burn the witch.

Anti-vaxxers adore Icke’s white supremacism
while stuffing words in the mouth of a Nobel prize winner,
Does the virus even exist, it’s really weird,
yet it’s also a disease to be vaxed and feared,
It’s not real, just another 1% trick
no, China and/or Amerikkka built it to make the world sick,
Can it be both – a hoax virus with hoax vaccinations?
What a cognitively incongruent abomination!

Under the banner of personal liberty,
arm in arm with virulent white supremacy,
claiming rights to hate and spread infection,
in the name of freedom and children’s protection,
Where’s the herd immunity to superstitions
to undermine ruling class oppressions.
Bait and switch, burn the witch,
Bait and switch, burn the witch.

Jinjirrie, May 2020

Related Links

On the confluence of white supremacists and anti-vaxxers


Flame Tree


The Not Good Network has crashed again!
What will we do without Netflix and Nintendo?
Stare out the window, gaze at the clouds
Till the kids beg us to read books to them out loud.
We cook up the mince and tear out our hair
And Grandma hides out in her flat downstairs,
What’s the pollies doing except for themselves
While our lives are becoming a living hell,
You’re surplus workers and we don’t need you,
Go get infected in a Centrelink queue,
It’s a brave new world for us all to explore,
And frankly, my dear, that’s no metaphor.

Jinjirrie, March 2020

Panic Payback

And there’s nooooo toilet paper again!
Just expensive tissues and paper towels,
The dunnyrollheads are driving us round the bend
And there’s a mighty bellowing in our bowels
That won’t be purged with a wash in the shower,
We’ll have to get up at an ungodly hour
And interview the dunnyroll queue
To ask politely ‘from where are you?’
And if they’re not from round here,
Lock ’em in the loo, till they learn not to fear!

Jinjirrie, March 2020

Under The Coronavolcano

Already I miss the parties, all our friends,
We’re a party for two without foreseeable end,
I ache for ping pong nights with our local group,
Now it’s stay at home or be carried off by hazmat suits.

We’ve been lucky, us two, we always rub by,
Yet with Scummo’s ineptitude we gaze at the sky,
Wondering when humans will be safe outside our place
And we can hug and kiss them again on their face.

Jinjirrie, March 2020

#Scummo Years

For these are now the Scummo years
You can’t eat dirt, you can’t drink fears
Stand up against the ruling class boots
It’s us or them, pull out their roots
Tears only overflow their cup
Never give in, never give up.

Jinjirrie, May 2019

From the bush on the Sunshine Coast, where even the local stupormarket is out of toilet paper again today.

Useful Resources:

WHO COVID19 info
Info on how long the virus survives on different surfaces, the virus half life, how to clean and more.

Domestic Inconsistencies

Golden Bunnies


She made me do it.
She didn’t get the hint.
Obviously I didn’t want her anymore.
Simply, things change.
It didn’t feel right.
There have been others.
I owed her no reason.
Too old, too bright, too cosmic,
she wouldn’t accept it.
She came to take her furniture.
After all I’d done for her.
I needed it.
She stood her ground.
Her silence invited me to strike.
Barbed truth prodded my hands
to encircle her neck,
grab her thin body and throw it
like a curse across the room.
Who’d have thought she’d be so light.
She bounced off her old table,
fell against the lounge, head cracking.
I nearly laughed.
I pushed her from my house.
Hurled her bag after her.
She provoked it.
Everyone says there’s two sides.


He dropped the blade on our love,
laughed when he dismissed me,
kept my furniture to compensate for
all he said he’d done for me.
So I visited to ask for it
and my heater to keep me warm
now I was alone.
Like Anne Boleyn
I placed my head on the block.
He squeezed my throat and pushed me.
Across the room I flew,
ricocheting off the table,
hitting my old lounge.
My head rings still,
injuries added to his insults.
Once he called me his gentle rose.
Excuses are words not blows,
not the black petals on my body.
I wanted to salvage my belongings,
remake my tattered life,
extract the thorn,
in private release the angry ichor.
Yet everyone says there’s two sides and
asks whether I provoked him.
I stood my ground, wept,
now weep no more.

Jinjirrie, 1993

President of the Declining US Empire

Powell Doctrine


Don’t look back, you’re being followed,
on your permanent vacation,
you scowl on every TV screen,
your fantasies divide the nations.
You feed my fear, you make it real,
no freedom in your loaded gun,
tell your old white boys, Donny,
there is nowhere left to run.

The world’s on fire, you let it burn,
fan the flames, there’s no return,
You want it all,
there’s more to learn.

In the silence of the fiery desert
grows a flower, blinding white,
don’t talk to me of limited war,
the battle’s lost on foreign ground.
Shadow boxing in the global village,
watch the old men take their bows,
While everyone awaits your fall
You build a wall to end all walls.

The world’s on fire, you let it burn,
fan the flames, no return,
you want it all,
there’s more to learn.

Lyrics of my song from 1989 are now updated to encompass Trump’s current opportunistic aggression toward Iran, as the archvillain baits and switches public attention away from the impeachment proceedings against him and feeds the fear of the public. When the racist, violent right press the fear button, they are ensuring people vote for the status quo. Works every time.

“I’m really sorry we are living in a world where the president of the biggest so-called superpower still doesn’t know attacking cultural sites is a war crime.” says Iran’s FM Mousavi. Yet since when does Amerikkka care about international law or being held accountable for its copious war crimes? Instead, its past warmongering criminal Presidents are sanitized and sanctified. When you are an empire with full spectrum global dominance, you never have to say you’re sorry for your crimes.

The US Beast serially chooses its scapegoats, playing the old imperial game of balancing the resource-rich Middle East between complete chaos and stability, in order to control oil prices and exercise manifest destiny-fueled imperial prerogative over its bounty, ensuring local dictatorial ruling class hegemony obedient to the US remains to oppress the people and commandeer the profits, with the usual weapons testing on live targets and consequent massive tithes of weapons purchases from the greedy empire and its western cronies, not to mention insuring the continuance of the obscene Pentagon budget, the most significant US economic ‘stimulus’.

Thus, with Syria no longer the focus, it’s Iran’s turn as lead whipping boy once more. This time, may the whole region and indeed, the whole world, unite to expel the imperial Beast and end the gruesome, planet-destroying, warmongering Amerikkkan occupation.

Related Links


‘Any concerns about Iranian nuclear threats can be overcome by establishing a nuclear weapons-free zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East, with intensive inspections like those successfully implemented under the JCPOA.

As we have discussed before, this is quite straightforward. Regional support is overwhelming. The Arab states initiated the proposal long ago, and continue to agitate for it, with the strong support of Iran and the former nonaligned countries (G-77, now 132 countries). Europe agrees. In fact, there is only one barrier: the U.S., which regularly vetoes the proposal when it comes up at the review meetings of the Non-Proliferation Treaty countries, most recently by Obama in 2015. The U.S. will not permit inspection of Israel’s enormous nuclear arsenal, or even concede its existence, though it is not in doubt. The reason is simple: under U.S. law (the Symington Amendment), conceding its existence would require terminating all aid to Israel.’

Yoav Litvin: ‘Trump wants all of us to struggle while he repeatedly rapes us.’