Brian Jonestown Massacre Mutiny

Another show in apartheid Tel Aviv which has been cancelled since Israel’s Operation Protective Edge attack of the captive people of Gaza commenced on July 8 is Brian Jonestown Massacre.

The band’s performance was due yesterday, 15 July. They cancelled at the very last minute on Monday, 14 July.

The group was split right in the middle, described as:
“…group pulled a mutiny at the last moment “

“Joel rob and Matt decided to bail on it today at the last minute and stick me with the hassles and blame like fake friends do”

Clearly Anton Newcombe attempts to obscure the cancellation, saying:
“…like I said by going on about it you just give free attention to sneaky cowards that fuck their so called friends”

“…it’s kind of like the more I talk about it just now the more publicity I throw on the self righteous.”
Which suggests the cancellation was at least partially implicitly in protest against the Israeli actions against the people of Gaza.

Anton Newcombe blames his his band members:
“…I didn’t cancel it, members of my group said they were not going at the last minute like pussies so get your facts straight”

According to band member, Matt Hollywood:
“We expressed concerns, were ignored. Felt it was inappropriate to go.”

It should be noted that even Neil Young probably cancelled partially at least because of the boycott, as the stage and fencing were not built, which suggests he had no intention to play but allowed Israel to manipulate the reasons.

Since Israel initiated its current belligerence against the people of Gaza, business is not booming in the Zionist state. Acccording to Haaretz, “Manufacturing, retail, advertising and tourism have all been hit hard.” Retail sales are down by 70%, and travel agents are reporting drops of 30-60% in reservations. One Israeli citizen has been killed.

As at July 15, Israel has slaughtered 195 people of Gaza, including 111 civilians, 38 children and 45 undetermined non-civilians, according to OCHA.

The most recent murders of Palestinians perpetrated by Israel are four Palestinian children from the same family as they played on the beach in Gaza. The children are Ahed Bakr, 10, Zakaria Bakr, 10, Mohd Bakr, 11, and Ismail Bakr, 9.

Gazan civil society has issued an urgent call to the international community to intensify the boycott against Israel at this time.

We insist on international action:

– Severance of diplomatic ties with Israel

– Trials for war crimes

– Immediate International protection of the civilians of Gaza

We call on you to join the growing international boycott, divestment and sanction campaign to hold this rogue state to account that is proving once again to be so violent and yet so unchallenged. Join the growing critical mass around the world with a commitment to the day when Palestinians do not have to grow up amidst this relentless murder and destruction by the Israeli regime. When we can move freely, when the siege is lifted, the occupation is over and the world’s Palestinian refugees are finally granted justice.

Co-authored with Yael Kahn