Omar Barghouti on BDS at the Palestine Center

“Any self-respecting liberal should be able to support the principles of freedom, justice and equality anywhere in the world.”

“Israel does not represent all Jews in the world and they are not a monolithic group.”

“Apartheid is a universal crime.”

“Whether exiled Palestinians want to return to Palestine, it is their inalienable right to do so.”

“Cultural boycott has grown rapidly with many artists refusing to tour in Israel.”

“Peace to the oppressed is meaningless without JUSTICE.”

“Churches and Mosques have been co-opted by the Israelis and used as cattle barns, bars, etc.”

“Self determination = ending all three forms of Israeli oppression”.

“11.22 million Palestinians in the world. 69% of the population are refugees”.

“Equality or nothing!” -Edward Said .”

“93% of the land in Israel is for Jews only”.

“At the very least, do no harm. Remove your support for Apartheid.” “Refuse to support evil.”

(I asked via @USACBI “would you please ask Omar whether he thinks the increased mobilisation by Israel against BDS is measure of effectiveness? and whether he sees any other signals from Israel as to the effectiveness of BDS?”)

“Israeli anti-boycott law shows Israel sees boycott as threatening & drops last vestiges of true democracy.”

“Israel cannot bomb ideas and morals into submission, which is why Palestinians should maintain the moral high ground”.

My comment: not taking a firm stand against all bigotry, prejudice and racism is cognitively dissonant with any movement grounded in human rights and discredits such a movement. It is the argument which is necessary to attack, rather than make speculation about behaviour. Personal attacks are always poor fallacious substitutes for argument.

Related Links

Omar Barghouti at the University of Maryland: “BDS is not a central command, it’s not a political party — it’s a global rights movement,” Barghouti said. “At the core of this is our deep belief that moral right can and should prevail over military might.”

Palestine / Israel Links

Israel and the Palestinians: public opinion and public policy in Australia