Why focus on Israel?

Exposing Israel’s net propaganda helps prevent Israel getting away with further social injustices. These ongoing heinous injustices and flagrant aggressions have majorly contributed to very real grievances, providing fuel for terrorism against the west of which Australia is part. We object to our current Australian government’s ill-considered, slavish pro-United States/Israeli policies – Howard’s partisan foolishness …


The Israeli government is ensuring it amplifies its peculiar views throughout the internet via the use of downloadable software. The megaphonies’ public face is Amir Gissin, who works for the Israeli government. Doron Barkat, 29, in Jerusalem, spends long nights trawling the web to try to swing the debate Israel’s way. ‘When I see internet …

Zionists are not necessarily Jewish / Jews are not necessarily Zionists

Whilst Israel may be a fact on the ground, should its expansionist and oppressive activities be condoned by the international community? Israel continues to misappropriate more land from Palestinians, ignores UN resolutions, continues its illegal occupation of the West Bank, Shebaa Farms and Golan Heights and indulges in apartheidism within its paradoxically non-existent borders. Israel’s …