Christian Zionism Reinforces Israeli Zionism & Theft of Palestinian Lands

Alice Bach, a biblical scholar and professor at Case Western Reserve University describes how Christian zionists assist Israeli zionists to appropriate Palestinian lands through biblical ‘cultural heritage’ tours to Israel while US [and other nations’ including Australias’] tax deductible donations are sent to illegal Israeli settlements. I’m reminded again how Christian zionist biblical interpretation aligns with fabricated zionist mythology.

The video above accompanies an article on the Institute for Palestine Studies site.

CUFI’s financing and budget are difficult to trace, although its gifts to settlements, particularly the $6 million (CUFI’s figure) to the settlement of Ariel, are widely publicized to indicate the organization’s deep commitment to the expansion of the State of Israel.

Palestine / Israel Links

Ian McEwan and the writer’s commitment – eating the cake as well
Novelist Ian McEwan plays for both teams in East Jerusalem
Israel: US Veto on Settlements Undermines International Law

Other Links

Egypt, Cuba and The Wall Street Journal